Bionics Program

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In the Bionics Program, we conduct research and education to investigate and find applications for biological mechanisms and substances. We are especially focused on such fields as medical care and medical supplies, foods, cosmetics, and the environment, seeking to propose functional substances and innovative methods, and we aim to foster human resources endowed with excellent intellectual productive capacity. Research themes are generally intrinsically linked to current needs and include: (1) elucidating the mechanisms of death, division, and aging in cancer cells with a view to developing drugs; (2) elucidating the mechanisms of oil and fat degradation for food preservation, and a physical analysis of food freezing and desiccation; (3) elucidating the mechanisms of sensitive skin, atopic skin and skin wrinkling with a view to developing cosmetic products; and (4) functional analysis of special-purpose microbes and vegetation for environmental preservation.


Learning the Specialist Skills Required in Each Field

As they engage in research projects, students learn various experimental techniques. During this process, they also learn how to handle and conduct basic operations with specialized apparatus and equipment. Tokyo University of Technology is equipped with a full range of scientific instruments that make it possible to conduct high-level analysis. For students, an environment in which they can freely use such instruments is a major advantage. This Master’s Program aims to foster students with a high level of expertise and knowledge.

Developing Researchers and Technicians to Contribute to a Better Standard of Living

We nurture human resources who are endowed with problem-solving abilities in medical supplies, foods, cosmetics and other fields directly connected to quality of life, and the field of environmental conservation that completely surrounds human society. The advanced research equipment installed in our Bio-nanotechnology Center is used to educate students in knowledge and technology related to genetic engineering, cell engineering, food science, cosmetics studies, environmental analysis, bio-nanotechnology and more.

Main Subjects

Research Project Subjects

Research Planning in Bionics, Research in BionicsⅠ, Research in BionicsⅡ, Research in BionicsⅢ

Students set and plan themes and conduct research under the guidance of a tutor and over the two-year duration of the program. At the end of each semester, research presentation meetings are held so that students can present their research progress and achievements. At the end of two years of study, students write a master’s dissertation as the culmination of their research.

Specialist Subjects (example)

Chemical Biotechnology

Chemical biology refers to utilizing biological and chemical techniques to study the functions and reactions of nucleic acids or proteins in vivo molecules on the molecular level. Fusing chemistry with biotechnology, chemical biology has shown rapid growth while incorporating new approaches in recent years. In this subject, students learn about new research techniques that combine chemistry with biotechnology, as well as the importance of fusing differing academic fields, all through state-of-the-art research.

Applied Microbiology

Microbes are widely utilized in all fields of life sciences. Lessons in this course are intended to explain effective methods for utilizing microbes, with particular focus on applications in the food and environmental fields.

Cell Signaling

This course will be conducted basically in English. This course gives participants a basic knowledge of mechanisms of signal transduction and the significance of signal transduction in physiological and pathological phenomena.

Faculty Profiles


Colloid and surface chemistry, Cosmetic science




Hair biology


Environmental Engineering

Misato Kashiba

Redox Biology


Chemical biotechnology

Atsushi SATO

Pharmaceutical Biosciences

Takumi SATOH

Advanced Food Science



Yuichi TADA


Toshiharu Nagai

Food chemistry

Tomohiko NISHINO

Applied Microbiology


Analytical biochemistry

Kazuhisa MAEDA

Aesthetic Science Research Laboratory

Takeshi MATSUI



Bioprocess Engineering

Masaki Yoshida



Cancer Molecular Genetics

Zenta Yasukawa

Food Function

Kazuyoshi YANO



Applied biochemistry and healthcare technology


DNA/RNA engineering, protein engineering, epigenetics

Koichiro DOI


Ryotaro NISHI

Molecular genetics


Molecular cell biology, Molecular endocrinology, Molecular oncology

Hiroko SEKI

Food science

Katsutoshi NISHINO

Chemical biology

Chihiro IZAWA

cosmetic science, materials chemistry


Redox biology Aging embryo development

Saki Goto

Molecular biology, enzymology, immunology

Saki Goto

Molecular biology, Applied microbiology, Bioplastic

Tomoyo Nakamura

Bacteriology, Applied microbiology