About TUT
Three Policies of School of Engineering
Admission Policy at School of Engineering
The School of Engineering considers for admission those who apply themselves, with strong interest and eagerness, to the study and research in sustainable engineering, which is a field of engineering that emphasizes the construction of a sustainable society, and aspire to realize their dreams through personal growth, especially those who desire to become creative educated individuals with a sense of humanity and an awareness of ethics and to devote themselves to renovate a technology-based society, thereby contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.
Curriculum Policy at School of Engineering
To fulfill TUT’s fundamental mission “To build up human resources that will contribute to the improvements in the quality of life and to the progress of technology,” the School of Engineering sets forth the following curriculum policy, aiming to educate students to become internationally minded, educated individuals equipped not only with a sense of humanity and an awareness of ethics but also with creativity and professional ability in the practical application of sustainable engineering to contribute to the construction of a sustainable society:
- 1. Liberal Arts
To foster an international mindset, a sense of humanity, an awareness of ethics, and high creativity, the Liberal Arts subject group is composed of four subgroups of subjects: (a) humanity and social sciences, (b) foreign languages, (c) informatics (computers), mathematics, and other natural sciences, and (d) character building subjects (good citizenship, wellness). - 2. Specialized Subjects
(a) Basic Specialized and Common Subject Groups
These are designed to give students a solid foundation for studying basic and practical subjects common to all specialized fields at the School of Engineering, focusing on fundamental knowledge and skills. They are offered as required, required elective, or elective subjects.
(b) Specialized Subject Group
These are designed to put students through sustainable engineering as well as knowledge in specialized fields at the School of Engineering and then to foster the ability to solve field problems or create new values by systematically applying such knowledge and skills.
They include, as required subjects, three subjects characteristic of the School of Engineering, namely sustainable engineering, co-op education, and technical English, so as to nurture the ability for practical application.
They further include, as a required subject, a graduate project, so as to nurture the ability to put to practice what they have learned during the four-year period and ultimately solve real-life problems.
Diploma Policy at School of Engineering
The requirements for qualifying for a diploma are, first, to enroll for a pre-specified period of time in the School of Engineering, second, to earn a minimum of 128 credits by completing subjects (liberal arts, specialized) that are designed adhering to its principles of educating students to become engineers capable of contributing to the construction of a sustainable society through the practical application of sustainable engineering, and finally to pass the graduation exam for a bachelor. The subjects mentioned herein include not only lectures but also a graduation paper as well as exercises and practice in sustainable engineering, exercises and practice in co-op, technical English, experiments in engineering, and a project in collaboration with local organizations that are specified by the School.
The criteria for passing the graduation exam for a bachelor are that the student has adequately mastered both liberal arts subjects, which are offered across all the schools of TUT, and specialized subjects, which are specifically designed by the School and whether the student is possessed of communication skills, logical thinking ability, an analytic mindset, evaluation skills, and problem solution skills.